
The Foundation has a gift-planning program to assist you in making your gift. For information about the tax benefits of charitable giving, contact your financial advisor or Chelsea Thompson, Box Butte健康基金会主任, at 308.761.3079. 贵方询盘将保密.



Box Butte健康基金会通过内布拉斯加州社区基金会建立了一个捐赠基金,以确保为后代提供高质量的医疗保健. An endowment is like a community savings account. 每年捐赠基金的一部分收入是博克斯比特总医院年收入的可靠来源, 超过了病人产生的收入. The endowment’s principal is never used, so your gift remains in place forever!


“简的衣橱”是一个为癌症患者及其家属提供经济援助和其他服务的外展项目. Funds are available for expenses such as gas, transportation, and meals. You can contact the 简的衣橱 representatives - Lori Mazanec 308.761.3428或玛丽·古德尔308.761.3423,他们都很乐意帮助你.


每年, the Box Butte健康基金会 awards five $1,500 scholarships to youth within our service area pursuing health occupations education. 受助者必须保持令人满意的学术成绩,并在学年期间在博克斯比特综合医院工作或志愿工作16小时. 这个项目的使命是通过投资IM电竞App官网的青年教育和鼓励未来在博克斯巴特综合医院就业来“发展IM电竞App官网自己的”劳动力. Of previous scholarship recipients, 25% work at BBGH. 

Pay It Forward (Employee Payroll Deduction Program)

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”

“把爱传递出去”计划从员工那里募集捐款,用于资助为IM电竞App官网的员工和顾客创造更健康环境的项目. Employees are encouraged to give a minimum of $1.00 per pay period ($26 per year, 10 cents per day) to the program.


农业商品项目鼓励当地农民和牧场主向博斯比特健康基金会捐赠玉米或牛等商品,而不是在出售商品后进行现金捐赠,从而节省大量税收. When an agricultural producer transfers legal ownership of a commodity to the Box Butte健康基金会, 生产者销售该商品未取得应纳税所得额,但仍可以扣除该商品的全部生产成本.


自2018年起,每年举办一次, 它的委员会, and volunteers have hosted a Golf Classic to raise money for the Box Butte健康基金会. 点击这里 查看过去几年的照片!